The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Indecisiveness has come to an end!

Yay! I finally found what i'm going to wear for hallowe'en!! ok...are you ready?!? going to be a fairy! I found the cutest little pink dress to wear! Im so glad my searching is I just have to finish planning the party! I will soon post picture of the adorable dress!!

He's my kind of raaaaiiiinnnnnn.....'s so strange...everyone I meet, in one way or another, turns out to know my sister. I never realized that EVERYONE goes to that particular Tim Hortons! This is like the 2nd or 3rd time it's happened....weird eh?

And it's almost TUESDAY!!!!! hehe...*sigh* We had our first dance last tuesday...I love Eric!

Also...I just have to say that David is a complete idiot...*woo* Just had to get that off my chest...----> this is David------>

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Just right! :)

unlike Jane...I'm satisfied with my gay-o-metre results! I'm 43% gay.

I scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted hetero babe! woo hoo!
Click here to take the test yourself!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


ok i have a dilemma! ok i can't decide whether to be Catwoman or Marilyn Monroe?? HELP ME!

what's his problem!?

I HATE SOME PEOPLE! ok what is wrong with some people?!? They totally take people's words and twist them into something your NOT even implying! Then they have this temper tantrum and just leave you hanging not even being able to explain what I was REALLY trying to say!!!! Like what their problem?! AHHHH!! And when you were trying to talk they just cut you off then blame all the stuff on you!! Stupid Guy!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Are you creepy?

creepy, awful, direful, disgusting, disturbing, dreadful, eerie, frightening, ghoulish, gruesome, hair-raising, horrible, itching, itchy, macabre, menacing, nasty, nightmarish, ominous, shuddersome, sinister, terrifying, threatening, unpleasant, weird....if any of these words descride you...then you're a creep! I have to decided to make a list of all the people i find creepy (which is a big list).
ok i shall begin:

Creeps I know are as followed:

Andrew-from Byron's

Byron-froms Byron's

Bo Bo aka Byron's son-from byron's and no i wont go out with him!

Fabio.-My house...*shudder*

Men that dress in matching outfits with there wife- ok i don't really know anyone who does...but i've seen it done...*shudder*

The Trucker that delivers our hay-well i don't know where he lives..

That old man i met the other day that smelt like PB and jam- again, I am not aware of his residence...but I have a feeling he was from the U.S...

The guy that sits next to Dave- Marketing

Sarah's History Prof.-He's bald and got a creepy-I-can-see-right-through-you-stare. Honestly it's like he's trying to burn a hole throught something with his eyes...YOU'RE NOT SUPERMAN...or are you...?

Michael Jackson-If you dont find him creepy..look at this and then you'll agree!

Brandon Bushman- Ok well i'm not 100% who this is but I overheard some people in my class say he was creepy and i decided to agree with them. I think I seen him before...and if it was him then yes he is most definatly creepy!

That guy from Russia..Issly...Islu..or something like that(I never could remember his name..poor little gaffer)- he was nice...but weird.

Bert from sesame street- first off why does he have to be so mean to Ernie?! and im not sure why...but he's just creepy...he also used to give me nightmares when i was little.


ok...of all the animals on the earth i had to be bit by a chicken. i mean embarresing is it when someone asks you "dude! where did you get that injury?" and you have to respond "A chicken."...oy...and seriously they really do hurt when they bite! i was bleeding and everything and in my defense it was a C.O.U.S...which is a Chicken Of Unusual Size. No joke the chicken species i guess you would call it is a "jersey GIANT" and it lives up to its name...THEIR HUGE!!!. And even worse is that the little bugger or should i say BIG bugger, did it as I was feeding the little bugger like 1 min before he bit me. Clearly I did not deserve sucha violent act! And Sarah I promise never to bug you about being afraid of birds again...they can be painful!...besides he had no reason to get upset and bite me just because I picked him up! Clearly he had some sort of issue.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The spider that Anika thought was a chicken that found its way to my house!

Ok...clearly Anika you did NOT kill that chicken you thought was a spider...or this was his long lost nephew or not sure but anyways...i woke up this morning to something tickling my arm...understandbly i thought it was my dog who just happened to jump on my bed and brush against my arm so i just brushed my arm and went on with sleeping. BIG MISTAKE!...i woke up a few mins. later to a similar tickling sensation...on the side of my neck! so i brushed my neck and being the suspicious person i am ..i turned on my ligt beside my bed to see this HUGE spidee-that-looked-like-a-chicken-that-i-thought-was-my-dog running down my bed! i was so creepy out i fell out of bed and ran-my-butt-off to get a paper and my shoe....needless to say i squished the little bugger. So i went to go back to sleep but as soon as i sat on my bed i got so creeped out i just had to leave my room and get all in all that is why im up at this crazy hour of the morning. :S

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Happy birthday kaylee!

well...i finally got the pictures from kaylee's birthday! it was an awesome night at red robins and on the streets of abbotsford. we'll never forget those stories and dancing starbucks guy! even if he was really's OK Cassie!

Friday, October 07, 2005


ok we went to Seattle the other day and it was amazingly fun! we walked the streets all day and met some amazing people and ended off the day with beautiful Martin Smith singing to us all night! *sigh* this is one of the really awesome pics i got a we were driving home...ill soon post some more!

no words to describe


Can you actually stomach this??? Katie (or KATE as Tom calls her) Holmes and Tom-I'm-a-horrible-actor Cruise who started dating in April (just 5 months ago) and engaged in June, are now expecting a child. Gack.

I really have nothing to report on or even say for this dreary day....except: Can it be any colder on an early October day??? Considering I look like death on a cracker today I don't think so.

just could be alot worse!