The spider that Anika thought was a chicken that found its way to my house!
Ok...clearly Anika you did NOT kill that chicken you thought was a spider...or this was his long lost nephew or not sure but anyways...i woke up this morning to something tickling my arm...understandbly i thought it was my dog who just happened to jump on my bed and brush against my arm so i just brushed my arm and went on with sleeping. BIG MISTAKE!...i woke up a few mins. later to a similar tickling sensation...on the side of my neck! so i brushed my neck and being the suspicious person i am ..i turned on my ligt beside my bed to see this HUGE spidee-that-looked-like-a-chicken-that-i-thought-was-my-dog running down my bed! i was so creepy out i fell out of bed and ran-my-butt-off to get a paper and my shoe....needless to say i squished the little bugger. So i went to go back to sleep but as soon as i sat on my bed i got so creeped out i just had to leave my room and get all in all that is why im up at this crazy hour of the morning. :S
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! the horror of it all. i'm glad you taught the bastard a lesson. good on ya. sweet dreams!
11:48 AM
thankyou! i know i dont think i can even sleep at home probably going to go to kristi's tonight after dancing....i have troble even walking in my room!! lol i can just picture and hear the strange sound Jm would have made if it happened to him! haha
11:57 AM
That one was a close one, hey? I recommend moving out.
3:18 PM
yes...good plan...but actually i am the begining of summer! yay!
3:21 PM
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