The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

All I can do is love you to pieces!

Finally my sister is pregnant! Whoot! She is due March 4th 2007. Only 220 days left! And here are some pictures of her little peanut!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Why oh WHY do I have to miss you...

Why?! This is all so stupid that I still miss him! I mean we haven't called each other in 30 days now and yet everytime my cell phone rings I still hope that it's him. Which is so dumb because why would he call me?

And I still worry about him. I worry when he drives down here. I worry when he has to work long hard days. I feel bad for him when he has a bad day. I just want him to be happy. I think about him everyday, which again is so stupid because he prob doesn't think about me.

And I hate that when we talk I am a bit bitchy to him sometimes...because I don't want to be, but some of the things he tells me kills me. I wish he knew...not that it would make him care. I hope that in the end we can be friends...I just want him to be happy.
That's all...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

That's all folks...

So let me go now
'Cause time has made me strong
I'm starting to move on
I'm gonna say this now
Your chance has come and gone
And you know...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


So...Camping was amazing! Oooo the stories we could I will!

So I arrived at Nicole and Lisa's place at 11 am. (On time!) Annddd anyway we didn't finally leave there till about 12:30 or 1! (because two of the other campers-Iwontmentionanynames-took forever and a day to get ready) Then when we finally set off we had to stop everywhere to get all of the supplies...we went to Nicole's house, Lisa's house, the bank, gas station, and WalMart. By the time we had done all that it was about 3:00. Then we started to head off to Cultus. To make a short story even shorter...we got there and it was all full!!! So...we eventually set off to find a new campsite and all the ones near there were full too! Then someone at this little place told us to go try this campsite on Chiliwack we drove down this road and eventually turned around because we were driving to the middle of no where...and it turned out that it was down there so e turned around again and drove more and more and MORE till e finally got into the middle of the boonies (not even any cell service on my phone!) and where we could-have-possibly-been-murdered-in-our-tent-as-we-slept! So anyway we pulled up to the driveway for the camp and it was so creepy and there were 3 creepy men whistling at us and yelling for us and so we decided not to go there. And then we continued our never-ending-drive BACK to the freeway to drive out to bridle falls. We ended up paying $40 (yes...FORTY! dollars) for our campsite at this place that was also a family RV park. So we ended up camping with a library/restaurant/bingo hall/bathrooms/clubhouse right across from us! But either way e had tons of fun...and we had nice camper-neightbours that set up our tent for us (because we were all so lost when it comes to tents) AND they brought us smores! Nice...hey? And they lent us their ax so we [correction: I could cut the wood...since Nicole and Lisa couldn't chop a twig if their lifes depended on it!] could chop wood. But all in all the camping trip was awesome! AND I have lots of pictures to prove it!


Would you like to demonstrate that for us?

Lisa is smokin' hot!

Our Pretty Fire


So Classy hey?

Our Cosmo Lesson

We're SO cool!

Camping is Awesome!

Our Lovely DILF!


Ahh...The Memories...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A penny for your thoughts...

I was thinking bout you and it kinda made me smile. So many things to say and I'll put them in a letter. Thought it might be easier, the words might come out better. How's your mother? How's your brothers? Why? So many things I wanna know the answers to. Wish I could press rewind and rewrite every line to the story of me and you. Don't you know I've tried, I've tried to get you off my mind but it don't get any better as each day goes by and I'm lost and confused. I've got nothing to lose... Excuse me, I really didn't mean to ramble o, there's a lot of feelings that remain since you've been gone. I guess you thought that I would've put it all behind me, but it seems there's always something right there to remind me like a silly joke or something on the TV, it ain't easy when I hear certain songs, I get that same old feeling wish I could press rewind, turn back the hands of time and I shouldn't be telling you... I'm still not over you. Did you know I've kept all of your pictures I don't have the strength to part with them yet... I've tried to erase the way your kisses taste, but some things a girl can never forget. See I've tried to forget you...Don't you know I've tried...I've tried to get you off my mind...P.S I'm still not over you

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Darn good quotes on women

"God made woman beautiful and foolish; beautiful, that man might love her; and foolish, that she might love him"

"It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her."

"A woman is like a tea bag,you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."

"A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears."

"Women are repeatedly accused of taking things personally. I cannot see any other honest way of taking them."

"Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved"

"The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her." ~Marcelene Cox~

"Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood." ~Oscar Wilde~

"Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses" ~Madame Marie du Deffand~

"Women have two weapons - cosmetics and tears"

"Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult." ~Charlotte Whitton~

"When women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues." ~Honore de Balzac~

"Women's Tongues are as sharp as two-edged Swords, and wound as much, when they are anger'd" ~Margaret Cavendish~

Darn good quotes on men!

“No man is worth your tears, but once you find one that is, he won't make you cry"

“How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being." ~Oscar Wilde~

"The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs"

“Men are like pumpkins. It seems like all the good ones are either taken or they've had everything scraped out of their heads with a spoon."

"Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths." ~Lois Wyse~

"There are easier things in life than trying to find a nice nailing jelly to a tree for example"

"Men forget but never forgive. Women forgive but never forget."

"When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself." ~Louis Nizer~

"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice." ~William Shakespeare~

"Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves" ~Gene Fowler~

"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad." ~Henry Wadsworth~

"Men blaspheme what they do not know." ~Blaise Pascal~

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

For the love of a mutha!

So isn't my puppy just SO awesome?! I truly love her with all my love!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Because you walk pretty...because you talk pretty

So Portland was amazing! I got to stay here all weekend. I got to dance with some of the best in the world! How cool is that, hey? We stayed up till early the next morning every morning. And I met lots of cool new people like:

1. Greg (smiles alot and cute!)
2. Tim (he's so cool!)
3. Rob "I" (he's so hot)
4. Ross (we do awesome east coast swing together!)
5. Matt (he's so cute! And we did night club together!)
6. Les (but more than enough!...ok that was corny...IAMASHAMED)
7. Debbie (she's nice...but I've met her before)
8. Al (but hes not so cool...i think he could possibly be a murderer!...)
9. John (he's an amazing 2-steper)
10. Michael Eads

*Video's from Portland*

~Sexy Rob "i" in white!"~
~Myles and Annick~
~Myles being Myles~
~Myles and Rob i" click~
~she's so hot~
~She's so hot part 2~
~They're Dorks~
~Myles then Rob "i"~
~Patty Vo~
~Tessa and Mark~
~Tessa and Mark #2~

And I cleaned my kitchen...nice hey? (Except Tim put groceries on the counter right after)

It's better to play than do nothing

TODAY IS SO UCKY!* It's raining, I'm alone, I have a bit of a cold, I'm tired, and confused!

But I'm excited to go camping with Nicole! It's going to be so fun because she has never-ever camped before! Crazy hey?!

But the sad part about it is that neither of us know how to put up a tent...If we tried I think we would end up just end up throwing the tent over a tree and sleep under it [translation: end up sleeping in the car]...because we're talented like that. And the really funny part is that Steve wanted me to work where he works putting up tents and taking them down...HA...that's like getting me to solve world hunger! IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!


And he thinks I'm over him (which I'm totally not) and he got kinda mad about it which I don't understand because he dumped me...and he made it so clear he just wants to be why shouldn't I try and move on? I've been like this for 19 days! I can't stay like this forever...It feels so awful!

*thanks Nicole now you have me saying thay!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Things about me # 61-80

61. I hate doors being left open...especially mine
62. I'm scared of falling in love
63. But at the same time its all I really want to do
64. It's because I'm scared of being hurt
65. When I was 7 my sister burnt my chin with a hot lightbuld
66. It hurt like a mutha!
67. I eat most fruits by cutting off a piece at a time...I never just bite it
68. I believe in big foot
69. He's one of my greatest fears*
70. I hate going outside when its dark**
71. I hate scary movies
72. I cheat on the sunday cross word puzzles
73. My favorite TV show is Grey's Anatomy
74. I'm going to be a make-up artist
75. And im going to go to this school
76. Orange used to be my fav. color
77. Now I hate it
78. I can't put up a tent if my life depended on it
79. So when I camp...I sleep in the car
80. I think he is the most sexy actor out there!

*have you ever heard the noise they make?
**If you lived at my house you'd know why!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Let's get this straight

Do not open your mouth so much wider than your partner's that it appears as if you are trying to eat their head. Kissing is not a Mick Jagger impersonation contest.

Tongue-flicking your partner's uvula as if it were a boxing bag must never be attempted by anyone wishing to float high above the depths of vulgarity, not to mention stupidity.

Do not make a beeline for the boobs, the ass or the crotch the instant the lips have locked, especially during a first kiss or during kisses early on in the dating process. It is one thing if you are both living out the elevator scene from Fatal Attraction. It is quite another if you are strolling along the promenade under the moonlit sky, having done nothing but hand-holding up until this point. In most cases, romance should take priority over unadulterated lasciviousness; you will both wish to savor the moment, so focus on the kissing. Do not denigrate it or distract yourselves from its beauty by rushing to the naughty bits. True ladies and gentlemen, for the most part, take their sweet time.

Only the most hopeless of souls employs the sucker punch. Sneaking up on someone (especially someone you have never kissed before) and planting one on them by surprise so they cannot act quickly enough not to kiss you is the epitome of rudeness, to say nothing of desperation. You may, however, grab your date by the hand, push them up against a wall and plant one on them passionately, so long as there is not even the slightest hint of hesitation in their constitution. That three-step process should give you enough time to accurately assess your date's response and abort the kiss if need be.

Likewise, grabbing someone's face is romantic so long as you are not holding their head to keep them from pulling away. Putting someone in a headlock so they cannot escape your kisser is not only rude, it is criminal.

If the kissee pulls away, the ladylike or gentlemanly kisser refrains from getting mad or pouty. Even if you are dying of humiliation or crying on the inside, maintain a cool and calm exterior. You can kill yourself later.

When you come up for air and find your mouth poised on the precipice of their earlobe, proceed with caution and restraint. Many persons despise ear play altogether, on principle, as it reminds them of the wet willies of yesteryear. So go slowly, breathe softly, blow ever so gently, use your tongue sparingly -- it should just delicately graze the outside of the earlobe, not dig for waxen gold like a Q-tip. If your partner pulls away, do not keep revisiting the area in an effort to convert them.

A lady or gentleman never expects a make-out session, or even a good-bye kiss on the lips, at the end of a date. We would do well to remember that kissing is so intimate an act that not even Julia Roberts's hooker character in Pretty Woman would allow her johns to osculate her. The same thing goes for holding hands in public on a first date, especially before the drinking has commenced. Civilized people find it extremely odd and out of fashion that so many young couples on the show Blind Date begin holding hands within the first few minutes of meeting -- even when they are not particularly fond of one another. Barbarians, all of them!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Well that's nice!

So my mom has been washing our dishes with Lime instead of dishwasher detergent. Let me explain...she keep seeing this bucket in our barn that said "dishwasher detergent" and so she figured that somehow she must have put it out there (for who knows what reasons) and then she decided to use it. And yea...It's gross...and I won't use our dishes.

And my fish died while I was in Alberta...and we flushed him down the toilet and it made me gag because I kept picturing this happening to me...except with the fish pulling me in.


And I miss bad...and that's bad...