The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006

Because you walk pretty...because you talk pretty

So Portland was amazing! I got to stay here all weekend. I got to dance with some of the best in the world! How cool is that, hey? We stayed up till early the next morning every morning. And I met lots of cool new people like:

1. Greg (smiles alot and cute!)
2. Tim (he's so cool!)
3. Rob "I" (he's so hot)
4. Ross (we do awesome east coast swing together!)
5. Matt (he's so cute! And we did night club together!)
6. Les (but more than enough!...ok that was corny...IAMASHAMED)
7. Debbie (she's nice...but I've met her before)
8. Al (but hes not so cool...i think he could possibly be a murderer!...)
9. John (he's an amazing 2-steper)
10. Michael Eads

*Video's from Portland*

~Sexy Rob "i" in white!"~
~Myles and Annick~
~Myles being Myles~
~Myles and Rob i" click~
~she's so hot~
~She's so hot part 2~
~They're Dorks~
~Myles then Rob "i"~
~Patty Vo~
~Tessa and Mark~
~Tessa and Mark #2~

And I cleaned my kitchen...nice hey? (Except Tim put groceries on the counter right after)


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