The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Sunday, October 16, 2005


ok...of all the animals on the earth i had to be bit by a chicken. i mean embarresing is it when someone asks you "dude! where did you get that injury?" and you have to respond "A chicken."...oy...and seriously they really do hurt when they bite! i was bleeding and everything and in my defense it was a C.O.U.S...which is a Chicken Of Unusual Size. No joke the chicken species i guess you would call it is a "jersey GIANT" and it lives up to its name...THEIR HUGE!!!. And even worse is that the little bugger or should i say BIG bugger, did it as I was feeding the little bugger like 1 min before he bit me. Clearly I did not deserve sucha violent act! And Sarah I promise never to bug you about being afraid of birds again...they can be painful!...besides he had no reason to get upset and bite me just because I picked him up! Clearly he had some sort of issue.


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