The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Are you creepy?

creepy, awful, direful, disgusting, disturbing, dreadful, eerie, frightening, ghoulish, gruesome, hair-raising, horrible, itching, itchy, macabre, menacing, nasty, nightmarish, ominous, shuddersome, sinister, terrifying, threatening, unpleasant, weird....if any of these words descride you...then you're a creep! I have to decided to make a list of all the people i find creepy (which is a big list).
ok i shall begin:

Creeps I know are as followed:

Andrew-from Byron's

Byron-froms Byron's

Bo Bo aka Byron's son-from byron's and no i wont go out with him!

Fabio.-My house...*shudder*

Men that dress in matching outfits with there wife- ok i don't really know anyone who does...but i've seen it done...*shudder*

The Trucker that delivers our hay-well i don't know where he lives..

That old man i met the other day that smelt like PB and jam- again, I am not aware of his residence...but I have a feeling he was from the U.S...

The guy that sits next to Dave- Marketing

Sarah's History Prof.-He's bald and got a creepy-I-can-see-right-through-you-stare. Honestly it's like he's trying to burn a hole throught something with his eyes...YOU'RE NOT SUPERMAN...or are you...?

Michael Jackson-If you dont find him creepy..look at this and then you'll agree!

Brandon Bushman- Ok well i'm not 100% who this is but I overheard some people in my class say he was creepy and i decided to agree with them. I think I seen him before...and if it was him then yes he is most definatly creepy!

That guy from Russia..Issly...Islu..or something like that(I never could remember his name..poor little gaffer)- he was nice...but weird.

Bert from sesame street- first off why does he have to be so mean to Ernie?! and im not sure why...but he's just creepy...he also used to give me nightmares when i was little.


Blogger anika said...

FEUF. I didn't make the list!

1:57 PM

Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Thank goodness, I thought I was gonna be on the list.

Hey, did you tell Nicole to quit frownin' yet?

10:05 AM

Blogger Kaila said...

ya...i told her and she said she'd try. but im not see---> :)

12:08 PM

Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Didn't you use the Yoda "There is no TRY...there is do or do not!" thing on her?
I'm serious Kaila, Nicole is like Moviestar beautiful!

If she AND her sister are single......good lord, I don't know what is going on up there!

1:31 PM

Blogger Janie said...

laka, laka, laka. you make me laugh. i think i will continue this list on my blog. (L)

2:01 PM


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