The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

100 things a man should learn

100. Girls enjoy always having something kind of wrong, like a headache or cramping or something. Remember: No matter how bad it sounds, she’s going to outlive you.

99. Most women will not have sex for the first time with a guy unless their legs are shaved. If your date shows up and you spot stubble, she’s trying to keep herself in line.

98. No matter how much she reassures you, if you can’t get a hard-on she assumes you’re not attracted to her.

97. Beware of your girlfriend's single party friend or gay bud. They want her to be single with them and will encourage any bad behavior as often as possible.

96. Jewelry. Now you always know what to get her for a last-minute gift.

95. The sight of you in your socks and underwear is the biggest turnoff in the world.

94. Never trust a girl who has no girlfriends. She doesn’t get along with other women because she’s either bat-shit crazy or just plain mean.

93. Girls who say, “I love sports!” are lying. Girls who ask you what time the game is on, without specifying which game they’re talking about, are not.

92. A random hookup is more likely to result in pregnancy, because a woman has more sex when she’s most fertile.

91. She still has all the love letters and cards from her past boyfriends.

90. Just started dating? Women want you to drive, even if it’s their car.

89. A girl would prefer to get a $100 gift from Tiffany & Co. than a $500 gift from Fortunoff. Why? Because her friends will ask where she got it.

88. “If I give you my number on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday are your best bets to score a date. Monday is too desperate, Thursday is too late.”—Claire, 27

87. Your female coworkers are obsessed with the fact that on average they receive less pay than male counterparts—and the fact that they work less overtime and get pregnant is irrelevant to the discussion.

86. Laying a towel down over the wet spot is like putting your jacket over a mud puddle for her, you noble bastard.

85. A recent study revealed that natural blondes could be extinct in 200 years, so unless she’s Norwegian, her towhead might be bottled.

84. Sixteen percent of American men have been with a prostitute—scientific proof most women are decent in bed.

83. Women always want to believe what you’re saying is true.

82. What do women really want in bed? More blankets. They get colder than men.

81. The threesome is not about you; it’s about the two girls. If you’re lucky enough to score one with your girlfriend, enjoy sex with the other one because there’s a good chance it’ll end the relationship.

80. If women have an excuse to take a pill, they’ll take it.

79. Never trust the woman who gives you the best blow job you’ve ever had.

78. “I hate when my boyfriend is sweaty and tries to lie down on top of me or cuddle after I’ve come. Wait five minutes.”—Erin, 21

77. The average woman kisses 79 men before getting married.

76. She hates your Xbox more than she lets on. Blow her off for some gaming and she’ll soon stop wasting time on a dork like you.

75. Women who are obsessed with their dogs also like to keep their men on a short leash.

74. “Girls who buy their men lap dances and pretend to enjoy it are kidding themselves. They’re trying to keep him happy with some controlled freedom.”—Suzy, 31

73. Over the course of her life, a woman will use 10 men for every one she loves. If you lent her your car or helped her move and didn't get laid, you're one of the 10.

72. During emergencies, women are likely to remain calmer than men. Though it should be noted that inventing minor crises on a weekly basis gives them more practice.

71. “Women grow hairs in a lot of the same places that men do—lower abdomen, nipples—we just get rid of them.”—Katie, 26

70. Unless they’re lesbians, she won’t approve of your hanging out with other girls. Even if they’re ugly. And, really, even if they’re lesbians.

69. If you have something to hide, she’ll find it.

68. Eighty-five: The number of males per 100 females in Gary, Indiana, lowest male-to-female ratio of any city with a population of 100,000-plus. The highest male-to-female ratio is in Salinas, California: 114 males for every 100 females.

67. Kiss her before two dates have gone by or you’ll be “friended.”

66. They can't live without tension. Every once in a while she's gonna pick a fight with you for no reason. Accept this as a running, inevitable theme and your relationship will make a lot more sense.

65. The most painless way to end an argument: Let her win.

64. An online dating service’s survey found that a woman’s ideal man has brown hair and blue eyes.

63. In the U.S., 21 percent of women ages 18 to 59 hold out for their honeymoon.

62. A British study claims a woman’s chances of getting married drop by 40 percent for every 16-point rise in her IQ. The same increase in IQ for a man boosted his chances of getting married by 35 percent.

61. When a woman tells you her problems, she does not want you to offer solutions.

60. Women often cite manhandling of breasts as the biggest foreplay faux pas.

59. “When I’m drunk, I can’t come. Not even with a vibrator.”—Lauren, 35

58. If they're going to do it, most wives cheat between the ages of 18 and 29.

57. Most women think they’re better drivers than they are. Don’t point this out while she’s at the wheel or she’ll freak and crash.

56. Women ingest about half the lipstick they apply, which means they eat approximately one to three sticks per year.

54. A woman might say she just wants sex, but sleep with her for a while and she’ll change her tune. “I’ve known so many women who think they can pull this off, but they always develop feelings for the guy,” says Evie, 22.

53. According to the American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Angelina Jolie’s lips were the most requested celebrity feature among all female patients in 2004.

52. Despite always complimenting another woman’s short haircut, she secretly celebrates having one less competitor, since men prefer long hair.

51. Don’t call her “cute.” In her mind it’s the same as “not vomit-inducing.” “Sexy,” OK. “Hot,” yes. “Fucking awesome,” only if she’s at least slightly buzzed.

50. Women often buy shoes a size or two small because they’re in denial about the size of their feet—which they can’t stand.

49. They dream of one day peeing in a urinal.

48. Women know where they stand looks-wise but worry about being considered cool, about which they’re unsure.

47. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, 23 percent of 18- to 34-year-old women live with their parents, versus 31 percent of you losers.

46. Women want to talk dirty, but they’re afraid you won’t respect them in the morning. Reassure her that letting go in bed doesn’t make her less classy and she’ll probably go wild. Jäger helps.

45. Twenty-three percent of this magazine’s readers are women.

44. A psycho jealous girl will do anything to keep her man—including anal.

41. If she suddenly cuts her hair short, it might mean she no longer cares what you think of her. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about someone else’s opinion.

40. About half of all brides will lose a good friend over a ridiculous bridesmaid squabble.

39. It never hurts to say you're sorry, even if you don't mean it.

38. Let her beat you at something once in a while—poker, chess, Ping-Pong—and she’ll be more likely to give you what you want, like some peace and quiet.

37. Women’s public bathrooms are about three times more disgusting than men’s.

36. “At one point or another, I’ve gone through your things looking for any evidence from past relationships. I’m talking photographs, postcards, mementos, address books, diaries. If you don’t like it, get rid of this stuff before letting me in your apartment. It’s not about trust; it’s about curiosity, and it drives us crazy till it’s been satiated.”—Caroline, 28

35. Like you, girls hate nothing more than a clingy partner who needs them every eight seconds.

34. Chick rock strikes a deeply primal chord inside women while simultaneously revolting men. Just sit back and let her sing the Sarah McLachlan or Ani DiFranco song. It’s only about four minutes long.

33. The average woman owns eight bras and wears each one five times before washing. Shasta!

32. Girls will not sit on any toilet outside their own home or a five-star hotel. Everywhere else they’re hovering above the toilet in a squat.

31. Got a new girl coming over? Your (tidy) bathroom should include clean linen, a box of Puffs Plus, and several full rolls of TP.

30. “Don’t caress our faces while we’re kissing, unless you really, really, really like us.”—Rachel, 21

29. On a first date, women never order what they really want to eat.

28. Breast augmentation surgery has grown by 257 percent since 1997. The most popular size? C-cup. As if you didn’t know.

27. Gain her trust when you’re out by calling her at 10 P.M. She’ll go to bed content you’re thinking of her, even if you’re slurping Jell-O shots off some skank’s cleavage.

26. Put down the Drakkar and grab a box of Good & Plenty. Women are turned on by the scent of black licorice.

25. At least one of her friends wants to sleep with you.

24. A good but flawed man is a fixer-upper gem, and women love nothing more than home improvements.

23. Every woman is self-conscious about her ass. Tell her you love her ass and you’ll see it more often.

22. If you want more sex, tell your girl an attractive woman hit on you that day. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.

21. More than half of surveyed females between 18 and 25 would prefer to be run over by a truck than be fat.

20. All women think they’re smarter than their partners in some significant way.

19. The more piercings she has, the more places she’ll let you put it.

18. Once in a while, let her pick the movie and don't complain about it.

17. Any good woman will tell ya, honesty is not always the best policy.

16. Chicks aren’t afraid to get kinky; you just have to have the nerve to ask.

15. Girls don’t want to date doormats. So make her proud and refuse to give up bowling night with the guys.

14. Don't take a woman to a concert you really want to see—she'll just want to leave early.

13. “Women appreciate a big penis, but having one doesn’t give you an excuse to suck at foreplay.”—Elena, 28

12. Studies show women are more attracted to “macho” guys near ovulation. The rest of the month, they’re drawn to “good providers,” otherwise known as chumps.

11. She likes one of your friends.

10. Ugly girls like to hang out with pretty girls because it makes them feel like they're more attractive. Pretty girls hang out with ugly girls for the same reason.

9. The minute she decides she’s even mildly interested in you, she starts making mental pictures of what your kids would look like and imagining her first name with your last.

8. Sixty percent of women in the United States color their hair, according to L’Oréal (who are obviously hoping they can peer-pressure the other 40 percent).

7. Dated a stripper? Keep your mouth shut, stupid.

6. Rub a sheet of medium-grade sandpaper across your face. That’s your five o’clock shadow when you kiss her. Now rub that sandpaper on your inner thigh. (Mind you, we’re not suggesting you shave.)

5. Female serial killers tend to use poison rather than guns or knives.

4. Foghat’s “Slow Ride” is not about a trip in the car. Get the hint?

3. The one breakup line she’ll never be able to argue you out of: “I’m sorry, but I no longer have feelings for you.”

2. Buying a present for your girl? She’ll hate it (and you) if she finds out you took along another woman to help pick it out.

1. You'll probably never know how many guys she's slept with. The standard lie is five. Which really means about 12.

Picture this

You dont pick on the weaker just don't!

So i'm trying so hard to be good and nice and friendly to him but he's being a big fat jerk about it! Which I totally don't get...because he was the one who has said he'd like to be friends but if I can't then he understands. And at first I really didn't think that I could be...but now i'm trying and he's being mean about it. At least I think...but he did just sign off without saying anything and in the middle of me talking...and he did sound really sarcastic. But I really hope i'm wrong because I do want this to work out.


But at least I know there's still life out there...since being back in the singletons I have been:

Asked out to dinner: 2
Asked out: 3
Asked for sexual favors: 1 (that conversation didnt last long)
Been invited to live with a guy: 3

None of which I said yes to...except the last one. It was an offer I couldn't resist!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I try to say goodbye

After my first…
I built this suit of armor
So strong, so invulnerable.
I came across you.
Slowly my guard was let down.
So, so vulnerable to pain and despair.
A love so perfect, so beautiful
Was the double edged sword.
One side so sweet
So dull of worry
So full of love.
The other so sharp of worry
So deadly with confusion
So overcome of aberrancy.
They meet at the apex.
The sword was the only thing,
The only thing to pierce through the armor.
Through the mind, the soul, the heart…
The sword tears a hole
The sharpest of sides is numb to pain,
The dull side brings a pain.
A pain so excruciating the pain unreal the suffering so great.
This side pierces the mind, the soul, the heart..
The wound lasting and irreparable.
A pain never to leave.
A pain that allows you to live but in turnIt kills the mind, the soul, the heart
A pain that may lie dormant
Only to arise and hurt more than it ever did.
But through all doubt and suffering
The love wasnt worth the pain.
Wasnt worth the pain
Wasnt worth the death of me
Wasnt worth losing everything I ever had.
Even if it was you that I lost.

Better to have never loved at all?

With just wait to find out what is wrong with each one. You know there's something...because there always just wait to see if the guy will hurt you more or less than the last.


Vulnerable- Susceptible to physical or emotional injury
I think that vulnerability is one of the worst feelings. And the hard part about that is that in order to love...we need to make ourselves vulnerable. Once you have made yourself vulnerable and love...if you have your heart broken it makes it harder then next time to open your heart. But without vulnerability you can't can't live life without feeling life. So maybe being vulnerable is a strenth...if we can't be vulnerable we won't find love.

“Real love hurts, real love makes you totally open and vulnerable. Real love will take you far behind yourself, and therefore real love will devastate you. If love doesn't shatter you, you will not know love"

How am suppose to believe that sheer suffering teaches. If it did...wouldn't the world be wise...since we all suffer?

Bartender pour the wine...cause the hurtings all mine

So today I haven't been sick! I feel sick though. But thankgod for Anika. She got me to eat some Mac and Cheese...which I had to force down...but I really need to try and eat again. And last night was pretty awful too...which did not at all help...I found out some things (that i'm glad I found out) that really hurt but whatcanyado? But i feel the need to thank the people that kept me here it goes

Nicole: I love you with ALL of my love! You mean more to me than I think you know...You are my SM! Forever...
Anika: You are such a beautiful person-inside and out! Thanks for the Mac n' Cheese and the wine....and esp. the talk! Love ya!
Cassie: I love you too...even though at the moment...well you know. I always will! Thanks for all the encouragment and talks!
Kaylee: Thanks for the prayers girly! Love ya too!
Mark: Thanks for the nudge buddy!
Dad: Your the only person in my fam that I actually talked to...or really even ever talk to. Thanks for understanding!
Dave: I can't believe im actually thanking you...haha...but you have a good heart!


I think he's mad at me? I don't understand...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Grow Some Balls Why Don't You!

You know what...It's almost always the girl who gets hurt and you know why...because guys don't get women. First off...a woman is on average 4 years more mature than a man. We know what we want long before they have even the slightest clue. We especially know what we want in a man.

It's not my fault he has no idea what he wants
It's not my fault he dragged me in the mud
It's not my fault he stooped so low as to blame other people for his incompetence
It's not my fault he doesn't understand
It's not my fault he felt like he needed to pity me

He doesn't understand that women see things differently. A two or three month relationship can feel like nothing to a guy but to a woman it can seem an eternity. They are often the ones to get there heart broken because a sad excuse for a man can't make his damn mind up, and they can't even deduce why we are totally broken and upset.

But I know what I want in a be treated like a person not a be told when you feel something for someone have a guy grow some balls for once and tell me the tell me when they don't feel things are working out and not lead the other person on and pertend everything is fine for god-knows what reason.

All I can say is I am so thankful to have the friends I do...I'd be lost without them! I love you all!

Fuck Men

The fact of the matter

I don't blame him for not wanting me...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

How to get over a guy...

Thanks for this one! Anika to the rescue again!

Things that you should do this weekend:

1) Run "someone" over with your car.
2) Slash a car tire of "someone."
3) Call "someone" an asshole 5 times fast. Then do it again.
4) Subscribe to a bunch of embarrassing website mailing lists under "someone's" name and email address.
5) Light "someone's" house on fire and stand outside as it burns down(Would it be too much to laugh at this point? NOPE!)
6) Laugh at this point.
7) Break into his house and steal all your stuff back. Preferably before the burning, but it's okay to do it after too.
8) Find "someone", kick him in the shins and run.
9) Do a bunch of stuff he hated ... like listening to Celine Dion.
10) "If I had a husband, it wouldn't be 'someone'." Play that game.

SO true!

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back."
-=George Carlin

Before I die...Please don't go crazy, if I tell you the truth

Before I die:
1. Spend a week on Ibiza, Spain and not sleep for most of it.
2. Have children.
3. Set foot on every continent (yes, this includes Antarctica).
4. Visit NYC
5. Party in Vegas (yes people, believe it or not, I've never been).
6. Go skydiving.
7. Dance in All-Stars.
8. Fall in love and be loved in return (that's the catch hahah).
9. Learn to speak a foreign language fluently.
10. Drive on the Autobahn!
11. Test drive a high-end sports car and get pulled over for speeding in it (or outrunning the police, that would be fun too).
12. Drive across the country and back - without a map.
14. "Drink vodka in Moscow, smoke a cigar in Cuba, eat some Peking duck in Beijing, and take a dump in North Korea." <-- priceless.
15. Tour Europe, knocking on random doors and getting home cooked meals out of it.
16. Shoot a gun.
17. Have a pet wildcat.
18. Sleep in a pod hotel in Japan.
19. Visit a nude beach.
20. Learn to dance the Samba and then go to Rio de Janiero for Carnival.
21. Take a year off from work, bills, and my current life and just disappear (travel!!)
22. Camp in the Amazon.
23. Skinny dip in the South of France.
24. Own a house. With a view.
25. Kiss someone at midnight on New Year's.
26. Swim with a Manta Ray.
27. Experience zero gravity.
28. Swim in the Dead Sea.
29. Get in a massive mud-wrestling fight at a natural mud flat.
30. Be proposed to in an unforgettable and unique way. Whether or not I say yes is an entirely different issue...
31. Live on a beach for a week.

If you leave me can I come too?

So at first I was devistated...Mostly because it's not what I had expected after all that and needless to say it def pisses me off still but what can you do-whats done is done. I don't even know why I cried so much...I had never cried that hard in my life before...It actually made me sick! There was def things said that shouldn't have been...But Im past that now...and I do regret it because it wasn't worth going through that and I was warned like 10 times but I didn't listen when I should have. And I didn't listen to me either because I knew it wasn't right...I guess I just didn't want to listen. But if I could go back it would def have been diff.


Anika is amazing and was right all along....guys are ALL assholes. Go shopping with a gay friend and drink wine and watch sex & the city. Sometimes I wonder if lesbians are the smart ones...they think the same way, understand each other, and can share clothes! But as Anika brought up a valid point...too many hormones! "I think when it comes down to it ... I dunno, I guess it's like choosing the lesser of all evils all men are fuckfaces and ya just gotta choose the one that will hurt you the least I suppose." Or go for the ugly ones or the nerds...then they won't ever wanna lose this great thing!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm Alberta Bound!

Actually in truth...I'm already here! And I must say I quite like it! Besises the whole moving process...I really do like moving. I have so many things to look forward to being here in Calgary (if we do decide that's where we want to end up)

-I'm getting a dog
-I get to decorate my new house!
-Get a Job (which means I can pay my friggin' phone bills!)
-Getting a car
-Not living with my mom anymore
-And not to mention I get to meet new people too!

But there are the downsides...

-Cold winters
-Long drive away from the girls

But the upsides def. overrule the downsides!...And besides the fact that I'll make John-Michael and Jacob entertain me...and get them to take me dancing! Whoot!

But in other news...I'm friggin cold! I AM the WORST! PACKER! EVER!!! So I tried to be all normal and not over pack as seeing we were only suppost to be staying here for 3 days or so...So I tried my best to pack as little as possible and for once I suceeded. But my friends I really didn't! It turns out I forgot some of the most important things:

-My resume
-Contact solution
So yea...I feel like an idiot..but i did only get 4 hours sleep in 2 days....So I sort of feel justified in leaving those things behind. But it still sucks because I freeze my ass off every night because all i have for pj's is my booty shorts and a wife beater...then there is the whole no-socks-issue...Its cold outside and inside and my poor little feet are freezing! But anyway at least it gives me and excuse for me to go shopping! Whoot!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

things about me #61-80

61. I hate doors being left open...especially mine
62. I'm scared of falling in love
63. But at the same time its all I really want to do
64. It's because I'm scared of being hurt
65. When I was 7 my sister burnt my chin with a hot lightbuld
66. It hurt like a mutha!
67. I eat most fruits by cutting off a piece at a time...I never just bite it
68. I believe in big foot
69. He's one of my greatest fears*
70. I hate going outside when its dark**
71. I hate scary movies
72. I cheat on the sunday cross word puzzles
73. My favorite TV show is Grey's Anatomy
74. I'm going to be a make-up artist
75. And im going to go to this school
76. Orange used to be my fav. color
77. Now I hate it
78. I can't put up a tent if my life depended on it
79. So when I camp...I sleep in the car
80. I think he is the most sexy actor out there!

*have you ever heard the noise they make?
**If you lived at my house you'd know why!

Sometimes we just need to smile...or die

Picture this!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

If My Nose Were Full of Nickels, I'd Blow It All On You

So I have all the things I need:

The Dress:

The Shoes:

The Bling Bling: