The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Before I die...Please don't go crazy, if I tell you the truth

Before I die:
1. Spend a week on Ibiza, Spain and not sleep for most of it.
2. Have children.
3. Set foot on every continent (yes, this includes Antarctica).
4. Visit NYC
5. Party in Vegas (yes people, believe it or not, I've never been).
6. Go skydiving.
7. Dance in All-Stars.
8. Fall in love and be loved in return (that's the catch hahah).
9. Learn to speak a foreign language fluently.
10. Drive on the Autobahn!
11. Test drive a high-end sports car and get pulled over for speeding in it (or outrunning the police, that would be fun too).
12. Drive across the country and back - without a map.
14. "Drink vodka in Moscow, smoke a cigar in Cuba, eat some Peking duck in Beijing, and take a dump in North Korea." <-- priceless.
15. Tour Europe, knocking on random doors and getting home cooked meals out of it.
16. Shoot a gun.
17. Have a pet wildcat.
18. Sleep in a pod hotel in Japan.
19. Visit a nude beach.
20. Learn to dance the Samba and then go to Rio de Janiero for Carnival.
21. Take a year off from work, bills, and my current life and just disappear (travel!!)
22. Camp in the Amazon.
23. Skinny dip in the South of France.
24. Own a house. With a view.
25. Kiss someone at midnight on New Year's.
26. Swim with a Manta Ray.
27. Experience zero gravity.
28. Swim in the Dead Sea.
29. Get in a massive mud-wrestling fight at a natural mud flat.
30. Be proposed to in an unforgettable and unique way. Whether or not I say yes is an entirely different issue...
31. Live on a beach for a week.


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