The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

the good-er things in life...and the not-so good-er things...

Things that I liked about today...

-got to sleep in
-wore my fav. hat
-thoughts that I am leaving tomorrow
-no sister around ...all day!
-we had an awesome dinner
-I made bread
-we have 19 little ducklings in our barn
-Well this morning went to go have some breaky* and someone had taken my cereal and picked out all the berries out of it and left the nasty flakey part of it...but then later found a whole new box of it and picked all the strawberries out and it was really good...and it's healthy cereal...which makes me feel good...
-did nothing all day but read and relax (which thought would make a good last day at home)
-Found some really funny blogs that are quite amusing to one's self
-my hair smelled really good (thanks to new shampoo...)

Thing's that I didn't like about today...

-My stupid vile foam mattress made me sore again.
-while making bread I spilt to the whole flour container over on counter making huge mess in manner of child or other sort.
-my bread didn't turn out to well because I got ditracted by flour incident.
-sad thoughts when found cereal emptied of most enjoyable part...
-how cold it was outside...and to think im moving to the north tomorrow...:S
-knowing that tomorrow I must wake up at un-godly hour of 8:00
-hair didn't workout well at all...insisted on being flat and frizzy
-hair de-frizzer didn't work
-I never got to finish my book and it's due back tomorrow...
-still having no idea whether or not new place will have toilet
-room is colder than usual
-finding out that I've been saying the expression "nip it in the butt" when truely it is said correctly "nip it in the bud"
-vileFabio was home all day...creepishly watching again

*how lazy people say "breakfast"

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Now Im hungry!

You Are a Boston Creme Donut

You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.
But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.
You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.
You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out.

The resume blues...

i'm trying to write an resume...that one i think i can write in an afternoon? i think it is possible in theory. but i have a serious addiction. to solitaire. that inhibits my ability to write more than one sentance at a time. makes writing a slow process. doesn't help that friends is on in the background and i don't have the courage or fortitude to turn it off. Matt said he had a blanket over his tv all week. how did he do it? how? lets list the things that are more fun than writing an essay
1) solitaire
2)Watching friends
3)wishing I had a dishwasher
4)cleaning up the dishes
5)putting the screws back in the dryer (i might actually do this as a procrastination technique)
6)eating milk and cookies!
7)going through old phone calls in the phone to see who has called in the last week
8)eating ice cream
9)with peanut butter and chocolate sauce
12)checking email for the 100th time
13)reading other ppls blogs
14)searching the internet for random things
15)staring out the window at the cold cold cold blue blue blue sky
16)smiling to myself because i don't have to go outside today because it is too cold
17)listening to the cd i made me
18)making lists of things that are more fun than writing resumes
19)cursing the squirrels (they're rats with bushy tails is what they are. don't ever let me hear you refer to them as 'cute', 'adorable', 'cuddly' or 'funny'. they are the devil in disguise. i hate them and their fat, well fed, well housed selves)
20)contemplating buying a bb gun to shoot said squirrels


i have it. there is no other explanation for my inability to keep track of my various plans. and there aren't even that many. this morning i wrote everything i was doing this week down on the whiteboard in the hall so i will (hopefully) make it to all the things i have committed to (after having almost inadvertently stood up Kaylee yesterday). however, i have a very naggy feeling that i have forgotten the plans i made for friday night. i know that i have supper plans, but i can't remember what comes after that....hmmmm....maybe someone else will inform me of my plans. I sure hope so!

~Saturday February 18~

292 lbs. (feels like, compared to Tessa), no. of pains in back from vile foam mattress 9, no. of thoughts involving Tessa and natural disasters, electrical fires, floods, and professional killers: Large, but proportionate.

So today was ok. Kaylee insisted on going to the beach today...I kindly reminded her that it was winter...but it didn't faze her- She was pretty determined to go so we went. To say the least...IT WAS FREEZING COLD! We bought an hour and a half of time on the parking meter...we only ended up staying for about 40 mins. because Kaylee every so gracefully decided to run and jump up in the air and have me take a picture of it...well lets just say she doesn't have the greatest balance...she ended up falling onto the wet sand. So as it was -50* outside and she was all wet and sandy and getting very cold very fast we decided to try and run back to the car... (the tide was out and we were practically in the middle of the ocean (if the tide was in)) it took us forever because we were running against the wind-actually it didn't even seem like running we were going so felt like one of those slow motion action scenes in a movie...(a very very..very cheap movie...but none-the-less a movie) we finally made it back to the car...(stopping for very good photo ops. along the way of course...which I'll post soon...but my camera is dead at the must be patient!) Had no feeling in any body parts for at least an hour after we manner of being paralyzed...or life in the arctic.

In other news...Nicole is moving to terrace with I may remind you is only one day away! Am very excited as only known apartment-mate (so far) is hotboy**. I shipped off all my stuff today on greyhound which I was very surprised at the cost...only $68 to ship four boxes that seemed to weight more than my horse. (not implying that I have picked up my horse before...or any horse for that matter) Also I was informed the other day that are new place only has one bathroom and MAY or MAY NOT have a toilet in it when we first move in...comforting eh?

I have also decided that...if I was to have a kid in the next little while (not saying I'm planning on it...but you never know)...and it was a boy...I would name it Coltyn...I really like the name.

*at least it felt like it
**have yet to learn his real name...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Ring! Ring!

6:45 p.m. Ooh, telephone!
"Oh, hello, darling, guess what?" My mother. Obviously I had to get a cigarette.
"Oh, hello, darling, guess what?" She said again. Sometimes I wonder how long she would carry on like this, in manner of parrot. It is one thing to say "Hello? Hello?" if there is a silence on the other end, but "Oh, hello, darling, guess what? Oh, hello, darling, guess what?" is surely not normal...

Unlike you...

There are no guarantees in life... Not for the present, Nor for the future... All I know is that I'm here, don't know for how long. I love the way you live so intensely. Enjoy every minute of life with space to swing your arms around laughing loudly. Unlike me. Do you think I'm strange? Unlike you. I am not pretending. There is no time, Time doesn't really exist. The past, the present, and the future, are all side by side, hand in hand. You move and change, yet you go nowhere... Everything stays the same. You stare at me, and ask me questions, it makes me nervous. This room it keeps a constant tone while I'm on a roller coaster. Unlike me. Do you think I'm strange? Unlike you I am not pretending. There is no time. Time doesn't really exist...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL! You no longer mean ANYTHING to me! you know who you are...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


2 AM and I call her 'cause I'm still awake,
can you help me unravel my latest mistake,
I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season
Yeah we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize,
hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason
'Cause you can't jump the track,we're like cars on a cable
and life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button girl,
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe
But my God it's so beautiful when the boy smiles,
Wanna hold him, maybe I'll just sing about it.
There's a light at each end of this tunnel, I shout
'Cause i'm just as far in as I'll ever be out
These mistakes made, I'll just make them again
If I only try turning around.
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, its no longer
inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
oh breathe, just breathe.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Things about me #1-30

1. I've never done a cartwheel
2. I'm afraid of moths and bigtime
3. I dip french fries in ice cream
4. I could never say spaggetti when I was little
5. I couldn't say turquise either
6. Dance is one of the most important things in my life
7. I don't think I could ever marry anyone who couldn't dance or wouldn't let me dance
8. Alot of people think the dances I do are too invasive..
9. I think they're hot!
10. When I was younger and my mom used to tell me to do something I would tell my sister that mom had told her to do it
11. The last math class I ever took I passed with 50%....I hated math.
12. Alot of people can't say my name properly because it's spelt different
13. I got the chicken pox when I was sixteen.
14. It was so aweful I wanted to just lie in bed and not think or move.
15. I can almost never listen to a song straight through
16. I pierced my own ears when i was 15
17. when I was 16 I just one day decided to go get 12 holes put in my ears
18. The last two hurt so unbi-friken-lievably much!
19. I was suppost to get two more but after the last ones I told them to stop
20. I like needles
21. I have never once cried when getting a needle
22. I can take pain well...usually
23. I will never sleep with no blankets no matter if its summer or winter...
24. I like almost every type of music
25. I get bored easy
26. I once fit 9 people on a fairly small ATV...
27. We then proceeded to drive down the road to a friends house
28. She wasn't home
29. If I was a boy my name would be Nickolas James
30. I can whistle 5 different ways

bye bye bye...

Well...I'm gonna miss alot of things when I'm
-the beach
-my friends
-my room
-my car :(
-my dog
-my parrots
-my phone
-And most of all....DANCING!...i could honestly cry!I can't live without it...

Thing's I'm not going to miss...
-Tim playing his guitar ever morning for 3 hours starting between 7-9:30
-15 minute arguments on "Who cut the pasta!"
-Our dinner conversations...after them you don't want to eat dinner...which could be a good thing...well maybe I will miss them a bit...
-cleaning the stalls and barn
-having to wake up so early in the morning
-my annoying internet
-my annoying TV

willy wonka! willy wonka!....

We are hot..yes?! :D


So I leave in a week and 2 days!(yay!)I have soooo many things I need to get done...
- get a haircut
-decide what I want to pack
-go back and decide what I really need to pack
-unpack and find bigger suitcase
-try to pack again
-go the the Orphium for and opera
-try and find a parking spot in Vancouver
-see the girls one last time...*tear*
-have my gradpa's birthday...the day they fly out for Israel about last minute!
-try deperatly to go dancing one last time...:( (stupid tuesday Valentines!!)
-learn a few more hot Cha cha moves ;)
-Find someone to look after the parrots... as my sister has the responsibility level of a three year old!
-say goodbye to everyone... :(...well only till march...then I have to do it all over again!

In other and the girls had an awesome last shopping day together yesterday...we only got into trouble once...:)...but we got some great clothes and pictures! (that's what REALLY counts!)