The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

~Saturday February 18~

292 lbs. (feels like, compared to Tessa), no. of pains in back from vile foam mattress 9, no. of thoughts involving Tessa and natural disasters, electrical fires, floods, and professional killers: Large, but proportionate.

So today was ok. Kaylee insisted on going to the beach today...I kindly reminded her that it was winter...but it didn't faze her- She was pretty determined to go so we went. To say the least...IT WAS FREEZING COLD! We bought an hour and a half of time on the parking meter...we only ended up staying for about 40 mins. because Kaylee every so gracefully decided to run and jump up in the air and have me take a picture of it...well lets just say she doesn't have the greatest balance...she ended up falling onto the wet sand. So as it was -50* outside and she was all wet and sandy and getting very cold very fast we decided to try and run back to the car... (the tide was out and we were practically in the middle of the ocean (if the tide was in)) it took us forever because we were running against the wind-actually it didn't even seem like running we were going so felt like one of those slow motion action scenes in a movie...(a very very..very cheap movie...but none-the-less a movie) we finally made it back to the car...(stopping for very good photo ops. along the way of course...which I'll post soon...but my camera is dead at the must be patient!) Had no feeling in any body parts for at least an hour after we manner of being paralyzed...or life in the arctic.

In other news...Nicole is moving to terrace with I may remind you is only one day away! Am very excited as only known apartment-mate (so far) is hotboy**. I shipped off all my stuff today on greyhound which I was very surprised at the cost...only $68 to ship four boxes that seemed to weight more than my horse. (not implying that I have picked up my horse before...or any horse for that matter) Also I was informed the other day that are new place only has one bathroom and MAY or MAY NOT have a toilet in it when we first move in...comforting eh?

I have also decided that...if I was to have a kid in the next little while (not saying I'm planning on it...but you never know)...and it was a boy...I would name it Coltyn...I really like the name.

*at least it felt like it
**have yet to learn his real name...


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