The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

the good-er things in life...and the not-so good-er things...

Things that I liked about today...

-got to sleep in
-wore my fav. hat
-thoughts that I am leaving tomorrow
-no sister around ...all day!
-we had an awesome dinner
-I made bread
-we have 19 little ducklings in our barn
-Well this morning went to go have some breaky* and someone had taken my cereal and picked out all the berries out of it and left the nasty flakey part of it...but then later found a whole new box of it and picked all the strawberries out and it was really good...and it's healthy cereal...which makes me feel good...
-did nothing all day but read and relax (which thought would make a good last day at home)
-Found some really funny blogs that are quite amusing to one's self
-my hair smelled really good (thanks to new shampoo...)

Thing's that I didn't like about today...

-My stupid vile foam mattress made me sore again.
-while making bread I spilt to the whole flour container over on counter making huge mess in manner of child or other sort.
-my bread didn't turn out to well because I got ditracted by flour incident.
-sad thoughts when found cereal emptied of most enjoyable part...
-how cold it was outside...and to think im moving to the north tomorrow...:S
-knowing that tomorrow I must wake up at un-godly hour of 8:00
-hair didn't workout well at all...insisted on being flat and frizzy
-hair de-frizzer didn't work
-I never got to finish my book and it's due back tomorrow...
-still having no idea whether or not new place will have toilet
-room is colder than usual
-finding out that I've been saying the expression "nip it in the butt" when truely it is said correctly "nip it in the bud"
-vileFabio was home all day...creepishly watching again

*how lazy people say "breakfast"


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