The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

Show me the money!

Dear People Who Read My Blog,

I need a job. Please give me a job.

From the jobless hobo, Kaila

Thursday, August 24, 2006

This weeks horoscope:

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
Tragedy and misfortune will strike those closest to you this week when your careful and thorough homicide plans go horribly right.

This is no laughing matter!

Have you ever brushed your teeth at the same time as someone else?

It's annoying right? Because you never want to be the first one done brushing your teeth because then the other person will think you don't brush your teeth very well...right?

And then the next thing you know they will start ignoring you and cutting you out of their social circle and then you'll lose all your friends and then your family will disown you and you'll lose your job and your dog will die and your husband will leave you and your house will burn down and your hair will turn grey and your car will burst into flames...

So the point is....always brush your teeth longer than the other person!

Things about me # 81-100

81. I read the last sentence of every novel before I even finish it.
82. I can go cross-eyed and at the same time make one eye wander...usless talent I know...but it sure is creepy!
83. My brown eyes sometimes turn half green
84. My hair has been: Auburn w/ red streaks, Auburn w/ blonde streaks, almost completely platinum blonde, burgandy, chocolate brown, black, black/blue, dark red,
85. The trash-chic / retro / glam-rock look is beautiful.
86. Love the 40's.
87. I get jealous when I see a couple hugging/holding hands and im single
88. I'm a Saggitarius but I don't believe in astrology, but it's cool to read sometimes
89. I've inherited the nickname Laka...amongst many others...but that one has stuck
90. I love plane rides, and plane food. Shut up, it's good!
91. I'm getting a monroe piercing soon..very soon
92. I have a friend in a band. Wanna fight about it?
93. I effin love strawberry cream cheese
94. I lovelovelove piercings and tattoos (not the lame ones)
95. I have the best friend in the whole wide world
96. I wish I was a photographer
97. I love lamp (inside "40 year old virgin" joke)
98. I lovelovelovellooovvveee road trips
99. Im talking to some russian guy right now on msn and I asked him who he is and he just said "I am book"
100. I don't get it....


Ok blogspot FINALLY has stopped being stupid and let me post more pictures! YAY!
Shari's ADORABLE daughter!
Anika and me
Lots of lesbian licking
Ani DiFranco is simply amazing!
My windy hair!
My...aren't we an attractive bunch!
Yes...yes we are!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just Because...

So im here's some pictures of my eyes...sometimes they're really brown and sometimes they go kinda green (although it's hard to tell in the pics)...yahp...still bored...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Its one hell of a drive, but we're not there yet!

Let me tell you about our road-trip! IT. WAS. AWESOME. Yahp. Many fun times...and I took pictures of the whole thing! Because...I'm just cool like that! So here they are! (I couldn't put them all in this post because blogger is being stupid and not letting me so there will be another one full of pictures later!)
There was alot of sleep-driving
Jason turned 24 and we threw a sidewalk party!
The boys played in the fountain
Shari let us stay in her cute little house!
The awesome nav (navigator) of the trip
Anika and me by the fountain
Jason got ice-creamed by Phil
Phil totally sneak attacked that guy!
The driver and the nav!
The whole gang!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!

I really like this picture..and I don't even know why!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pin's and Needles...

Never understood how he could mean so little to so many...Why does he mean everything to me? Is it worth the pain, with no one to blame? For all of my insecurities questioning his good intentions. Jealousy's a bad invention because when you push on glass it's bound to break. Even when he was defensive, It just gave me more incentive...The more you squeeze, the more it slips away. I've never walked so far on a lonely street with no one there for me. Is it worth the pain? Accept this confession! ...I'm walking on pins and needles...You're not my possession! ...I'm walking on pins and needles...My conscience is vicious! ...I'm walking on pins and needles...It took too long to see that i'm in misery...And now it's clear to me that it's worth the pain, always take the blame for all your own insecurities.....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I love this book :)

If I could only see the scale,
I'm sure that it would state
That I've lost ounces...maybe pounds
Or even tons of weight.
"You'd better eat some pancakes-
You're skinny as a rail."
I'm sure that's what the scale would say...
If I could see the scale.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Because we can can caaannnn!

Showcase Division 2005 US Open Swing Dance Championships

Ok so I love dancing...and I love love love Benji Schwimmer and Heidi Groskreutz's here's a video of west coast swing at the US Open...It'll rock your socks! And yes Anika he is wearing pointy shoes with heels....but he still looks so stinkin' HOT!