The awesome song playing is by the most lovely Anika DeRaad, Jason Sawatski, and Phil Fredrikson about our Seattle Roadtrip-August 19, 2006

Friday, November 04, 2005

All for Annie...

Well here I am writing a post with nothing to write about...what a boring day I had today...oh I know what I can say...And I dedicate this to Anika!

"How I got stuck in garbage can on Tuesday"...but ..well ok if I dont you might get the wrong idea...

So it all began on that fine Tuesday morning... Sarah, Hanna, and I went out on a photoshoot. We decided it would be really cute if we took out the garbage bage and metal bin thing and get Sarah to climb in to the empty wood container bin and take pictures...So she proceded to get she was trying to get in she realized that she could only get in so far because her knees couldn't bend any being the...let's say helpful...person I am I decided to get in the bin lower by benden my knees back and lowering myself in...It worked perfectly!...I was in and Hanna got the pictures. I proceded to get out of the garbage can but realized I was stuck! Then the girls all started laughing so hard they started to cry...I as was helplessly trying to struggle my way out. Finally they realized just how stuck I really then they all tried to pull me out...I wasn't budging!...Then finally after many minutes of embarressing and painful attempts...they got me out! So ya thats my garbage story...And take my word...I will NEVER attempt anythin like that again!!


Blogger anika said...

You're such a good little blogger, Kaila. Thanks for finally stinking blogging!

10:21 AM

Blogger Janie said...

well, la-ka, it's much better than being stuck in the toilet on a bus!

10:24 AM

Blogger Kaila said...

ok jane wins!

3:45 PM


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